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Senior Options Program

Senior Options: General Information 

Seniors in good academic standing have the opportunity to participate in a Senior Option (i.e. Internship or project) in the last 4+ weeks of senior year instead of attending classes at GHS.  More details about this program will be announced during Advisor Base in the first week of January 2025.

  • All student internship applications must be fully completed/approved by March 17th.
  • Program begins Monday, May 19th (last day of classes for participants is Friday, May 16th)
  • Program ends Friday, June 13th (this date is subject to change after the BOE announces the date of graduation in April).

Prerequisites for participation: 

  • Have and maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA
  • Have satisfactory attendance and disciplinary records
  • Have not failed or be in danger of failing any senior year course (this includes PE)
  • Have successfully completed all graduation requirements, including performance standards

Program Contacts:
Senior Internship Coordinator: 
Senior Project Coordinators: Mr. Mayo and House Administrators

Senior Internship

All internships are self-designed, which means students are responsible for contacting sites directly to explore/secure an internship. While students are responsible for finding their own internship, we are here to help. See us during any lunch block in the College and Career Center.

Internships are UNPAID, require 25 hours a week (any missed hours due to illness, college orientations, etc. need to be made up).

There are two things you must do before submitting your application:

  1. Your internship site sponsor(supervisor) needs to agree to host you as an intern. Be sure to discuss your role and responsibilities in detail. You will need this information in your application.

  2. You will need to ask someone from GHS - faculty or staff  member - to be your Internship Mentor.

Please review the video on the application process in SchooLinks.

Senior Project

Dear Members of the Senior Class:

The senior project committee (Ralph Mayo, Chase Martin, Jennifer Gilleran, Courtney Hawes, Peter Mulholland, Laura Boyd, and David Angelo), with representation from each of the five houses, has been formed to review and approve all senior project applications. We have an application attached to this email, which is to be submitted to the committee prior to March 7, 2025. 

Before submitting an application, please ask faculty members to be your mentor. Please do not submit an application without your mentor's approval. In addition to creating a project blog with weekly posts, throughout the senior project, you must check in with your mentor at least once per week by video conference or in person. There will be a dynamic Presentation of Learning at the end of the project. 

The committee will review each application and will notify you if your project is approved or if we need additional information from you in order to move forward. If your project does not receive approval, students will still have time to apply for an internship. The deadline for the internship is April 7th. 

Remember all candidates for senior internships or projects must meet the following qualifications:

  • Be in good standing academically in all your classes with a minimum of 2.0 cum GPA

  • Have successfully completed all graduation requirements, including performance standards, and have not failed or be in danger of failing any senior year course (including P.E.)

  • Have a satisfactory attendance and disciplinary record 

  • Follow district norms as well as the Cardinal Rules (Freedom with Responsibility)

Senior Project Application