RISE Program
This program is for students with higher levels of academic need and social/behavioral concerns than can be met in a house-based Academic Lab. Students can access the general education curriculum with moderate to intense modifications and accommodations; students also have access to the Functional Math and Activities of Daily Living courses. Emphasis is placed on skills to access the general education curriculum, vocational training and independent living skills. Students are recommended for this program through the PPT meeting. All students participate in general education classes.
TRAILS Program
This is a highly individualized program for students with higher levels of behavioral, safety, or medical needs than can be met with RISE. Students receive instruction in functional academics through access to Functional Math or in their Academic Lab. Support in independent living skills is available with access to the Activities of Daily Living class or in Academic Lab. There are opportunities for inclusion and social interactions throughout the day. Students are recommended for this program through the PPT meeting. Some students participate in general education electives with programmatic adult assistance.
Related Courses:
- Activities of Daily Living: This course is intended to be taken with the Functional Math 1 course, due to the time required to participate in community-based learning. Lessons are focused on topics that include Community Resources, Socialization, and Community Safety. This course is designed to develop life skills necessary to enhance/increase students’ independence in real world setting. Students participate in lessons using a variety of strategies including: video modeling, technology, and role play. Students in this class are often involved in the Come Together Club. This club facilitates socialization at lunch with non-disabled peers. Some of the skills addressed include: Food preparation, Clothing, Money and Finance, Vocational preparation, Health, Travel and Transportation, Community Resources, Community Signs, and Safety.
- Functional Math: This course is designed to develop the math skills necessary in to develop students’ independence in the real world. This course is intended to be taken with the Activities of Daily Living course, due to the time required to participate in community-based learning. Some of the topics addressed in this course include: Money, Counting Change, Time, Calendar, Graphs, Budgeting, Comparison Shopping, Coupons, Tax, Banking, Checks, Paychecks.