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Student Support Services

Greenwich High School provides a variety of resources and supports to help all students who need or seek assistance building academic, personal and interpersonal skills.

For district-wide information please see GPS Student Support Services.

Individual teachers are available in their assigned classrooms or offices before and after the school day, during FlexTime and by appointment.

The GHS Library Media Center is open to all students without referral before school from 7:45-8:30, after school from 2:55-3:15, as well as throughout the school day for work and study. Media specialists are available from 8:30-3:15 to help students with research projects, independent reading and projects involving the use of technology. Technical support staff is available between during all lunch waves to help with problems relating to school issued devices.

Reading support personnel provide reading instruction to students in reading courses scheduled during the school day.  

School Counselors help students develop individualized plans to build positive habits to improve their time management, organization, and/or study skills.

School Social Workers, School Psychologists, Assistant Deans, and Special Education Teachers collaborate in house based Pupil Review Teams to develop strategies and implement interventions to support our students' mental health, academic progress, and personal/interpersonal growth.

Our Dean of Students collaborates with our School Resource Officer and the Assistant Deans to implement Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.

Our Student Activities Director collaborates with student leaders, faculty advisors, and school administrators to provide our students with opportunities to participate in clubs, activities and special events that promote connectedness to Greenwich High School, engagement in our community, and foster the development of communication and leadership skills.

Learning Centers are classrooms set aside for individual or small group work where students can get extra help with their academics during the school day. Each house has an English/Social Studies Learning Center. There is also a dedicated Math Learning Center, Science Learning Center in the science wing, an ESL learning center, and a World Language Learning Center. If a student earns a progress report card grade of a C- or below or if they need additional support, they will be assigned to a learning center.  In addition, students may go to any subject area learning center during an open block to ask for help from any teacher who is assigned there.

Peer Tutoring – by working with their school counselor or classroom teacher, a student may request or be recommended for peer-tutoring support, delivered by student volunteers and coordinated through the National Honor Society. A more structured peer support program, Stand By Me, is offered to select 9th graders. These students are matched with juniors and seniors who act as tutors and mentors. Each pair meets two times per cycle. They work on organization, study skills, homework completion and test preparation. The program also offers a goal-setting meeting at the beginning of each quarter, a bi-weekly progress report for each student, award luncheons and field trips.

AVID is a national program designed to increase school-wide learning and performance. The mission of AVID is to ensure that ALL students, especially the least served students who are in the middle will: succeed in rigorous curriculum, complete a rigorous college preparatory path, enter mainstream activities of the school, increase their enrollment in four-year colleges, and become educated and responsible participants and leaders in a democratic society. AVID’s systematic approach is designed to support students and educators as they increase school-wide/district-wide learning and performance. Students are selected to the AVID program at GHS through a selection process beginning in the spring of 8th grade. Click here to learn more about the AVID program.

Summer School - The Greenwich Public Schools offers a wide range of courses during its five-week summer session. In addition to the traditional improvement-review and make-up courses in English, math, foreign language and physical education, enrichment courses are offered. Students may retake a course for credit in summer school depending on course availability. The grade for a course successfully completed in summer school is averaged with the grade of the course taken during the school year when the cumulative GPA is calculated. Both grades will appear on the official transcript.

Learn more about the brain processes required for learning such as attention, language and memory on The Faces of Learning websiteor read these tips to support the executive functions of time management, creating routines, and planning.  Here is an electronic "to do list" if our GHS planner is not working well for you!  

Greenwich Together is a council of 31 Greenwich social service, educational, governmental, medical, law enforcement, religious and civic organizations.  Their mission is to pull together youth, parents and community organizations to prevent substance misuse, promote behavioral and mental health and strengthen healthy choices through positive youth, family and community development.  Check out the Greenwich Together website for resources and events.