Fencing - Boys & Girls
Program Overview:
In a typical year experience is not required, and the team is “walk-on”. In 2021, numbers may have to be capped, and the team will be divided into practice cohorts due to safety reasons. Both varsity and junior varsity as well as the girls and boys teams are within one program and practice together in a typical season. Practices are held in either Gym C or Gym B. Those wishing to join the fencing team must register at the beginning of a season unless you are a transfer student.
Playing time in a typical season tends to be more limited for younger, newer students. Eventually, most students progress to varsity where there are a lot more competitions. However, there are annual tournaments specifically for novices (first year), junior varsity, and varsity. We hope that every student will learn a great deal from fencing and learn valuable lessons to be used beyond GHS. This season spectators will not be allowed to attend practices.
Fencing has three separate weapons (or events).
· In foil, fencers score with hits with the point to the trunk of the body.
· In epee, fencers score with hits with the point anywhere on the body.
· In sabre, fencers score with hits with the point or the size of the blade to targets above the waist.
Bouts are to five points in most competitions, sometimes fifteen in later stages of large tournaments. Fencers mostly tend to specialize in one weapon, much like players of positions in sports like football.
Time Commitment:
In a typical year fencing practices on weeknights for up to two hours. The bulk of competitions occur on the weekends and are long, often full-day events. The number of outside competitions is expected to be extremely limited this year, especially as no statewide events are being held. This season spectators will not be allowed to attend practices.
Required Equipment:
Students will be expected to arrive at and leave practice in their uniforms, which they should clean regularly. Students are not required to purchase any equipment; a personal set will be provided for the season. However, students may purchase their own equipment if they choose. Students are encouraged to bring water bottles; no beverages other than water are allowed in the gym.