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Program Overview:

GHS Wrestling

There are very few sports that can prepare athletes for the challenges in life better than wrestling. Wrestling is not just about wins and losses, but the accountability, self-discipline and mental toughness that wrestlers develop. As one of the most inclusive sports all interested GHS students are welcome no matter their height, weight, gender or experience….there’s an opportunity to compete if one is willing to invest the time and effort. Moreover, wrestling is the perfect cross-training sport for all fall and spring athletes as it will improve their balance, strength and conditioning. The goal is for our wrestlers to improve every time they get on the mat.

In 2019-20 the Cardinals had another winning season going 12-7 in dual meets, with 5 of our 7 losses to top 10 ranked teams in Connecticut. We had 5 FCIAC place winners, 2 Class LL place winners, 1 State Open place winner and 1 New England qualifier. With returning starters in 11 of the 14 weight classes the team is looking forward to another successful season.


Time Commitment:

Wrestling has a short, but intense 12 week season with 10-15 hours weekly time commitment. We will be on the mats 6 days a week between practices, matches and tournaments, as well as during school breaks (December and February).

Practice times may vary as we share Gym C with other sports teams.

Matches are typically on Wednesdays lasting about 2 hours, with day long tournaments on Saturdays.

Varsity wrestlers will compete in roughly 12 dual matches and 6 tournaments. Those athletes that don’t make the starting Varsity roster will compete in 3 to 5 JV tournaments, as well as in exhibition matches during our Varsity matches. Last season 28 different athletes wrestled Varsity matches with 24 of them collecting wins. An additional 30 wrestlers competed in JV matches and tournaments.

Wrestlers not traveling to matches/tournaments will be practicing. Do not expect Varsity away matches to be a day off.  Practice is the least glamorous, but most critical time, especially for new wrestlers.

Family and school must be a top priority. Wrestlers will need to stay focused, organized and disciplined to get their schoolwork completed.  Be prepared and learn how to use any free time productively.

Playing Time:

Unlike other sports where playing time is determined solely by the coaches, wrestling has a very objective and straightforward process:  wrestlers compete for every starting position. The Depth Chart (individuals ranked by weight class) is determined by wrestle-offs for each weight class. The season starts with an in-house tournament whereby the winner in each weight class earns the starting position. Wrestle-offs continue throughout the season to determine the starting lineup. 

GHS Wrestling

Boys Weight Classes: 99*, 106, 113, 120, 126, 132, 138, 145, 152, 160, 170, 182, 195, 220, 285. 

* Note that 99 is wrestled in some tournaments

Girls Weight Classes:  99, 106, 113, 120, 126, 132, 145, 160, 182, 235

Girls have the option to wrestle against girls only and/or against the boys. Last season the CIAC hosted its first ever Connecticut Girls Wrestling Invitational which had 75 girls from across the state competing for state titles.

General Team Info:

Wrestlers are required to check in for attendance at the beginning of each practice.

Athletes are expected to make wrestling a priority after family and school. If there is a scheduling conflict the coaches should be notified of the absence in advance.

Unexcused absences from practices and/or matches will jeopardize Varsity and JV status, and if repeated may result in dismissal from the team.

All team members are expected to ride the bus to and from away events, as well as stay the entire time.

A wrestler may receive permission from the head coach to ride home with their parent. In this situation an Alternate Transportation Form is required.

Wrestlers should check their email for the weekly schedule.

The team also will use the Band app to communicate via text, as well as to post events, reminders, updates etc. 

Wrestlers, and not their parents, should communicate directly with the coaches as they are old enough to advocate for themselves.

Requirements for Participation
Weight certification, which calculates weekly and season lowest target weight for each wrestler, will take place with the GHS trainer prior to the team’s first match.  

All athletes must register on the GHS Athletics website and follow the detailed instructions.

Conditioning and Strength Training
Preseason workouts will be sent out to those on the team distribution list.

In season the team will lift together during their weekly assigned time slots in the GHS weight room.


GHS provides uniforms for matches and headgear. Note that wrestlers have the option to purchase their own headgear, which are only allowed to have GHS or manufacturers logos on them per CIAC rules.

Wrestlers must supply their own wrestling shoes and mouthpiece for those with braces. For hygiene purposes and primarily to prevent skin infections it’s imperative that wrestling shoes are used only on the mats. Note that the team has a few pair of lightly used shoes available to borrow on a first come first served basis.

Jump rope is optional but highly recommended for warm-up and conditioning. Preferred brands are RX Gear or Buddy Lee. See Coach Petersen for additional details on which specific models to buy.

Online team store to purchase GHS wrestling apparel is usually open at the beginning of the season.

Coaching Staff:

Jereme Petersen
Head Coach

Assistant Coach