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QUAD JOBS (Student Employment)

As part of the PTA’s mission, we support student employment. Having a part-time job while in school or over the summer is a wonderful way to earn extra money, build a professional network and gain valuable job experience. Some common part-time jobs include childcare, tutoring, garden/yard work, pet care, sports instruction, lifeguards, computer support, retail services, sales associates, camp counselors, music instruction, and much more.

The GHS PTA outsources student employment to QuadJobs, an online job platform that connects students to flexible, part-time jobs, will be available for free to all Greenwich High School students. The links below provide additional information about QuadJobs. 

To sign up, simply go to the QuadJobs website and select STUDENT from the SIGNUP dropdown menu.

  • Enter your GREENWICH HIGH SCHOOL email address and school zip code (06830). GHS students do not need an .edu email. The system will accept your GHS email.

  • You will receive a confirmation email containing an activation link and a permission slip

  • Click on the activation link;  Have a parent or guardian sign the permission slip and email it to  You will be contacted within 24 hours to confirm that your account has been activated

  • Once your account is activated, be sure to log in and fill out the PROFILE and ACCOUNT pages (it only takes about ten minutes and will be critical to your success landing jobs!).  Be sure to upload your photo!

  • Video instructions on how to sign up can be found on our GHS PTA Youtube Channel. For details regarding QuadJobs policies and use of the platform, view QuadJobs FAQs

Please note: QuadJobs is an external site. It is not hosted or managed by GHS or the GHS PTA. By clicking on the QuadJobs link, the student, parent or employer are leaving the GHS site. Greenwich Public Schools, GHS and the GHS PTA are not responsible for the content, safety and security of

Working Papers:  If you are a student in need of working papers, please visit the GHS Main Office.  

Signing up as an Employer

When signing up as an employer, please make sure you select High School students to receive your post. QuadJobs is offering new employers discounts as follows:

  • Individual household employers can use the code "gocardinals" for a free post
  • Business employers can use the code "greenwichbiz" to receive a 50% discount on their business subscription.