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Volunteer Forms

GHS PTA Expense Guidelines
(available only to GHS PTA Board Members and Committee Leaders)

  • ALL expenses must be approved by the GHS PTA Board member who has oversight for your area. Any expense of $500 or more must also receive approval from both Co-Presidents before they can be paid.
  • Once approved, expenses can be billed to the GHS PTA and the Treasurer can pay by GHS PTA check or debit card. If you pay for the expense personally, submit a GHS PTA reimbursement form to the GHS PTA Treasurer. This form is for getting reimbursed on PTA expenses. Please remember that sales tax is non-reimbursable. Email your completed reimbursement for and receipt to the GHS PTA Treasurer at If you are unable to email your request you can leave it in the Treasurer's folder in the PTA mailbox in the GHS Main Office.
  • Contact the GHS PTA Treasurer at to discuss use of our tax exemption certificate for expenses.