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Member Responsibilities


NHS members must continue to demonstrate service throughout their senior year.

The GHS requirement for individual service hours is 5 hours a month. Students have two options to complete these service hours:

1.) In-school GHS Service: Members can volunteer for tutoring responsibilities during two opens each cycle. Assignment can be made to Stand By Me peer tutoring, the AVID classroom, as classroom assistants with teachers, individually matched with a student needing specific help; or in a learning center as an “on-call” tutor for that block (only by specific arrangement through the NHS Adviser). These assignments can be fluid as the need for tutors ebbs and flows.  Students may also complete service through such groups as Unified Sports, Roots and Shoots, etc.

2.) Out of school GHS Service. Members can create their own service hours “project” using any of the approved service hours from the “accepted” hours list (this is found under the Four Criteria tab). They may continue to serve where they originally earned their hours for membership or join a new organization. Members choosing Option 2 are encouraged to submit an Individual Service Plan for approval.  Members are required to document five hours of service each month. Once a service plan has been created, it can be used for the entire year. Students already on a service plan can also change what they are doing for service as the need arises.  They can also terminate an individual plan at any time and join the GHS peer tutoring program. 

Dismissal from the Chapter:

Members who do not maintain the chapter’s standards of scholarship, leadership, service, and character are subject to dismissal from the chapter. Although students may be warned of failure to maintain standards, no warning is required in a case of flagrant violation of school rules or the law and the faculty council can immediately schedule a disciplinary hearing. A written notice with the time and date of the hearing will be provided to the affected student.

Members not fulfilling their service hours requirement also risk being dismissed.